Rubio: We can’t seriously address the debt crisis without reforming entitlement programs

<p><img src="" alt="" title="Marco Rubio" width="500" height="250" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9247" /></p>
<p>Senator Marco Rubio was on Sean Hannity&#8217;s radio show to discuss the economy and his meeting with the president.</p>
<p>Rubio indicated that he told the president to start leading on these fiscal issues.</p>
<p><a href="">Transcript</a>:</p>
<blockquote><p>“The President has to lead, as I told him today in a meeting we had with the Republican Senators. You can’t tackle major issues without presidential leadership, and I think the President needs to lead on this issue. This is an opportunity for him to show some leadership and say, ‘You know what, we do have a serious spending problem in this country. We’ve got to begin to address it.’ But in order to do that in a meaningful and responsible way, he’s going to have to take on members of his own base.”</p></blockquote>
<p>Rubio also spoke with the president on taking seriously entitlement reforms. If we&#8217;re to resolve the debt crisis, as Rubio explains, we need to do these reforms.</p>
<blockquote><p>The point I made to start out the meeting was that we can’t balance the budget without serious efforts to reform our entitlement programs—reforms that not only save Medicare and Social Security and Medicaid, but reforms that keep them from going bankrupt and keep our country from going bankrupt.”</p></blockquote>
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